Walnut High School

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Walnut Staff Receives Special Delivery

What is seen as the "grind" of the school year with no days off from Labor Day to Veterans Day (46 consecutive school days of Distance Learning), our staff was in need of a pick me up! To help give our staff a little morale boost,  our Instructional Deans, Barbie Cole and Marta Dibell baked 197 Pumpkin Spice Bread loaves for our Mustang Staff. Over a two day period, our admin team delivered to staff classrooms/workspaces or their home.

We can’t thank our staff enough for everything they have done since March and for rolling with the ups and downs that Distance Learning brings. We appreciate everything they are doing and can’t wait until the day we get to come back together as a staff.  In the meantime, let’s continue to work together as a community, be there for each other, and reach out if you need any support. 
