Walnut High School

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Final Graduation Reminders!

The day is almost here! Thank you for getting us through a quick practice this morning. Make sure you rest up tonight and soak in all of the moments tomorrow. Here are some important reminders as we celebrate YOU: 

  • CHECK IN TIME: Please arrive at the gym no later than 4:15 pm. Graduates must enter  through the front of the school gates by the admin building to avoid the graduation chaos in the student lot. Please get dropped off on Pierre Rd. Entry point into the gym will be on the pool side. Remember to only bring your cell phone, keys, sun glasses, Student ID, and wallet. Do not bring bags, purses, or any other items. You will show up with your cap and gown in your hand following a quick search before entering the gym. Please do not bring in any water bottles. We will provide water for you in the gym if you need it. 

  • DIPLOMA PICK UP: After the ceremony, you will pick up your diploma in the gym. Make sure you turned in all your books, chromebooks, and took care of unpaid fees before receiving your diploma. The front office will be open on Friday from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm if you are unable to pick up your diploma tomorrow night after graduation. 

  • GRADUATION TICKETS: Everybody should have received their graduation tickets today during graduation practice. Please make sure you distribute them to your family and friends. All guests must provide a physical ticket upon entry into the graduation ceremony. 

  • LIVE STREAM: We are live streaming the ceremony over YouTube live. The video will be available starting at 5:45 pm on our YouTube channel. Please CLICK HERE to share the channel with family and friends and click on the live video after 5:45 pm. The video will also be recorded and can be played after the ceremony. 

  • PARKING: Our student parking lot gates will open at 4:00 pm. We highly encourage you to carpool as there is limited parking in this lot. Parking on the street is also available. Entry into the parking lot with only be NORTH on Pierre Rd. 

  • GATES OPEN: Gates will open for general admission into the stadium at 4:15 pm. There are two entrances due to construction for home and visitor. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE MAP for entry points. 

  • HANDICAPPED SEATING & DROP OFF: Handicap drop off is located in the small parking lot off of La Puente Rd in the North Endzone of the Football stadium. You must have a RED ticket to enter the handicapped seating area. 

  • HOME & VISITOR SEATING: Make sure you communicate with your friends and family coming to graduation on which side you will be seated. As a reminder, home side is A-LO and visitor side is LU-Z. CLICK HERE FOR THE SEATING ASSIGNMENTS. 

  • PROHIBITED ITEMS: Any items that obstruct the view of someone sitting behind you are prohibited. This includes balloons, umbrellas, and large signs. We ask that you do not bring air horns or loud noise makers to the ceremony and are considerate of the people sitting around you.

We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow and celebrate. You have all spent roughly 2,340 school days as a student from Kindergarten to 12th grade. This is your moment! You earned it.